Marketing Tips
Rebecca Meehan Nominated Customer Care Superlative
What a wonderful surprise! Thank you to everyone who nominated me for the Customer Care Superlative at the Womens Business League. This recognition celebrates exceptional dedication to putting...

Effective Marketing Communication
Effective Marketing Communication hinges on clarity, conciseness, and consistency. Achieve this through: 1. Repetitive Behavior: Reinforce your message through repetition, ensuring it resonates...

Unlocking Your Poteintial with Strategic Marketing Consulting!
Are you ready to step out of the shadows and showcase your business to the world? Don't settle for being the best-kept secret in your industry. Let us help you build a competitive advantage that...

T.Ella Marketing Solutions Certified Women’s Business Enterprise
T.Ella Marketing Solutions is proud to announce that our firm has been certified as a women's business enterprise (WBE) with the Supplier Diversity Office ('SDO'). We are a strategic marketing firm...

T.Ella Marketing Solutions Celebrates 10 Year Anniversary
Time really does fly by when you are doing what you are passionate about. This marks the 10 year anniversary of my business, T.Ella Marketing Solutions! With the encouragement and support from this...

The Four Key Points: What Matters the Most with Creating Content
What matters most for your company content? Here are the four key points to incorporate in creating content that we have found necessary through our client experiences, social listening, seminars,...

Looking Ahead 2021- Content Marketing & SEO
2020 was an interesting year. Interaction was mostly digital, and at T. Ella Marketing Solutions, we have seen an increase in new and current clients asking for more content marketing and Search...

The Psychology Behind Personalization
Companies are trying their best to market to an audience from every angle. Resulting in there being too much marketing content floating around. The overabundance of marketing is causing there to be...

Make Your Marketing Better with Personalization.
People are constantly mindlessly scrolling through their social media feed or email inbox until suddenly something captures their attention and makes them stop scrolling. You want to be a business...

What’s in a Company Name?
How To Come Up With a Perfect Name For Your Company Company names are something that we see and think of consistently from driving down the highway to scrolling through the web. These names have a...

Help My Website Was Hacked!
Your Website and Malware Over the last month, we have seen a huge spike in malware attempts on client websites we support. This is also being seen on a global level. Malware is a piece of software...

What Does HTTPS Mean and Does My Website Need It?
Frequently I am asked about the difference between an HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) and HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure) website URL and if it is needed. The short answer is YES! A...

Is Your Website Secure?
As part of your website CMS maintenance, checking your website’s security updates and upgrading them is a must to keep hackers out. But you say why- I have a business that is not interesting to...
What’s New with Facebook and Instagram?
Over the past year, we have seen many marketing communications changes and increased interaction on social media channels to keep people connected with each other and with companies. Facebook and...

Will a Business Presence on Facebook Really Help?
Many of us question Facebook’s potential or remain unsure in terms of business. Isn't it still a social media website made predominantly for people who are too young to be of any value? Would...

What’s Changing with Facebook and Instagram?
Facebook and Instagram Changes Facebook users are spending less time scrolling and Facebook is performing a news feed overhaul for mobile and desktop. To get your message across to prospects and...

Have You Included Facebook Ads?
With its supreme ad targeting capabilities and reach to over 1 billion people worldwide, Facebook is one of the most powerful social media platforms for your business to generate leads from and...

Rebranding, and Should You Do It?
Branding is a common practice in business today where a name, symbol, or design is made that can easily be associated with a company. If done correctly, having a strong brand will provide your...

Corporate Branding & Marketing: Not The Same
How do you brand your company? The brand is your “why”, promise and value. How are you different. Marketing is how you communicate your “why”. Start a list with your team of the reasons for being...

Is Your Business Emotionally Branded?
We guide each of our clients about showing a personal, emotionally branded side to their business - what makes them stand out from their competitors. What are employees doing to have fun and show...

Is Your Business Information Accurate and Easy to Find Online?
You woke up this morning with a leaking roof and quickly go online stressing to find a reliable fix. You type a quick Google search (accurate information is so important!) and a business pops up on...